Nani’s Tales: Six-part TV Series For Young Adult Audience.

Format: Live action/animation

Credit: Screenwriter

About: Loving and feisty Nani helps her nine-year-old granddaughter embrace her Asian American identity, by narrating her own real-life struggles as a woman freedom fighter during pre-independent India.

Synopsis: NANI’s TALES is a live action cum animated television series about a young second generation Indian girl and her everyday experience of growing up in the US. Tanya’s Nani (grandma) who is visiting her from India responds to Tanya’s identity conflicts by narrating her own enchanting stories of growing up in colonial West Bengal, India in a large extended family. Weaving in Indian folk tales and borrowing from both cultures, their stories converge in a unique fashion at the end of every episode. The stories travel between present day United States and pre-1940s West Bengal. They get their power from the character of Nani, who is a real-world hero. Even though from a completely different era and place, Tanya and her friends find unique similarities between their present-day struggles, facing identity crisis and Nani’s tales of adjusting in a large patriarchal set up at the Bose household.